
مهندسی برق-الکترونیک-کنترل-ابزار دقیق-انتقال و توزیع-مکاترونیک-کامپیوتر-مکانیک-IT


مهندسی برق-الکترونیک-کنترل-ابزار دقیق-انتقال و توزیع-مکاترونیک-کامپیوتر-مکانیک-IT

مقایسه نحوه نمایش فانکشنهای حفاظتی در ANSI , IEC

اجزا سیستم حفاظتی

·عضو سنجشی: تبدیل کمیات ولتاژ یا جریان شبکه از مقدار اصلی به مقدار قبول برای سیستم حفاظتی در این قسمت صورت میپذیرد که شامل ترانس جریان و ترانس ولتاز و... میباشد.

ANSI IEC 60617 Description
21FL FLOC Fault locator
21G Z< Three-phase underimpedance protection, low-set stage
24 U/f> Overexcitation, low-set stage
24 U/f>> Overexcitation, high-set stage
25 SYNC Synchro-check/ voltage check, stage 1
25 SYNC Synchro-check/ voltage check, stage 2
27 3U< Three-phase undervoltage, low-set stage
27 3U<< Three-phase undervoltage, high-set stage
27, 47, 59 U1< U2> U1> Phase-sequence voltage protection, stage 1
27, 47, 59 U1< U2> U1> Phase-sequence voltage protection, stage 2
32 P← Three-phase underpower or reverse power, stage 1
32 P← Three-phase underpower or reverse power, stage 2
32 P← Three-phase underpower or reverse power, stage 3
32P/32Q P>→/Q>→ Three-phase directional overpower, stage 1
32P/32Q P>→/Q>→ Three-phase directional overpower, stage 2
32P/32Q P>→/Q>→ Three-phase directional overpower, stage 3
37 3I< Three-phase non-directional undercurrent, stage 1
37 3I< Three-phase non-directional undercurrent, stage 1
37 3I< Three-phase non-directional undercurrent, stage 2
40 X< Three-phase underexcitation protection, low-set stage
40 X<< Three-phase underexcitation protection, high-set stage
46 I2> Negative-phase sequence, low-set stage
46 I2>> Negative-phase sequence, high-set stage
46 ΔI> Phase discontinuity
Phase reversal protection
48, 14, 66 Is²t, n< Three-phase start-up supervision for motors (incl. I2t and speed device modes, and start-up counter)
49F 3Ith> Three-phase thermal protection for cables
49M/49G/49T Three-phase thermal protection for devices (motors, generators and transformers)
50N I0>>> Non-directional earth-fault, instantaneous stage
50N/51N I0>> Non-directional earth-fault, high-set stage
50P/51P 3I>>> Three-phase non-directional overcurrent, instantaneous stage
51 3I> Three-phase non-directional overcurrent, low-set stage
51C, 37C, 68C 3I> 3I< Three-phase overload protection for shunt capacitor banks
51N I0>/SEF Non-directional earth-fault, low-set stage (or SEF=sensitive earth-fault protection)
51NC 3ΔI> Three-phase current unbalance protection for H-bridge connected shunt capacitor banks
51NC ΔI> Current unbalance protection for shunt capacitor banks
51P-1 3I> Three-phase non-directional overcurrent, low-set stage
51V I(U)> Voltage-dependent overcurrent, low-set stage
51V I(U)>> Voltage-dependent overcurrent, high-set stage
551P-2 3I>> Three-phase non-directional overcurrent, high-set stage
59 3U> Three-phase overvoltage, low-set stage
59 3U>> Three-phase overvoltage, high-set stage
59N U0> Residual overvoltage, low-set stage
59N U0>> Residual overvoltage, High-set stage
59N U0>>> Residual overvoltage, instantaneous stage
60 FUSEF Fuse failure supervision
67-1 3I>→ Three-phase directional o/c, low-set stage
67-2 3I>>→ Three-phase directional o/c, high-set stage
67 3I>>>→ Three-phase directional o/c, instantaneous stage
67N I0>>>→ Directional earth-fault, instantaneous stage
67N I0>>→ Directional earth-fault, high-set stage
67N I0>→ Directional earth-fault, low-set stage
67N/51N I0>→ /SEF Directional earth-fault, low-set stage (or SEF=sensitive earth-fault protection)
68 3I2f> Three-phase transformer inrush and motor start-up current detector
79 0 → 1 Auto-reclosure
81U/81O f, df/dt Underfrequency or overfrequency, stage 1 (incl. rate of change)
87G 3DI> Stabilized three-phase differential protection for generators
87G/87M 3DI> High-impedance or flux-balance based differential protection for generators and motors
87N ΔI0>, REF High-impedance based restricted earth-fault
87T 3ΔI>, 3ΔI>> Stabilized three-phase differential protection for transformers
87TN ΔI0> Stabilized restricted earth-fault, stage A
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